Is Taking a Gap Year Before Post-Secondary Okay?

Many students wonder if taking a gap year is okay. The answer to that is yes! It is perfectly okay to take a gap year before Post-Secondary. You have been studying for many years and it is healthy to take this break that you deserve. Taking a gap year before Post-Secondary has many benefits. It can help you get to know yourself and the world around you. The following are five different reasons explaining to you why and how taking a gap year before entering Post-Secondary is a great choice!
A Hidden Passion Could Arise
During your gap year, you will have the time to think about your passions-maybe discover new ones. During your years in Secondary school, you probably did not have much time to deeply reflect and discover new interests due to all the school work you had to complete and stay up to date with. Now, with this gap year, you have more time and more opportunities to try out new things and learn more about your interests and your passions.
Become More Independent
While you were growing up you had to rely upon and look up to several different adults in your life. These adults could have been your parents, guardians, or even your teachers. They may have created certain routines, schedules, and rules for you to follow. Now that you are finished with Secondary school, you are transitioning into adulthood. Learning to become more independent is very important. It will help you lead your own life. By taking a gap year, you will be given the opportunity to practice being independent and set your daily tasks and schedules. These are skills that you will take with you and benefit from for the rest of your life.
Travel the World…Maybe?
During this year off from school, you will probably have lots of time off. An amazing way to spend this free time is by traveling and exploring the world. Getting to know different cultures can make you reflect and help you learn more about yourself. Through all the different cultures and traditions you may experience, they may also help you decide which career is best for you. Most people do not have time to travel since they begin their careers right after graduating. If you are interested in exploring different countries, it is best to do so before you begin Post-Secondary. The world is a different place now with Covid19, and it may be harder to travel- it is up to you to decide if it is worth it or not. Safety and your health matter most.
Avoid Burnout
It is very easy and common to experience burnout after studying and working hard at school for many years. Burnout is when you have done something for an extended period and it results in you losing interest and avoiding doing that thing. Students that do not take some time off before beginning Post -Secondary are likely to experience burnout. It is best to take a gap year before entering Post-Secondary to begin refreshed, well-rested and eager to learn!
Learn Skills and Build Up Your Resume
During your gap year, you will most likely have the time and the opportunity to be able to learn new skills and find new opportunities that can help your resume look great. You could learn a new language, take some courses, volunteer, and find jobs that suit your interests. These things can help you find good jobs during your gap year, as well as when you graduate from your Post-Secondary education. Employers not only look at your level of education but also your skills and the amount of job experience you have.
Now that you know five of the many reasons why taking a gap year before Post-Secondary is beneficial, it will probably help you decide whether or not taking a gap year is for you. Remember that you know what is best for yourself. If you think you should take a gap year, then you should and it is perfectly okay to do so!
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