Advice for Handling Winter as It Stretches into February and Impacts Your Mental/Physical Health

Winter can be a very interesting season. While it brings heartwarming moments like snowball fights or Christmas decorations, winter undoubtedly has some negative facets as well. These include sometimes stressful/dangerous situations that involve commuting in extreme weather conditions and trying to stay warm when experiencing freezing temperatures. As these things occur, it’s understandable if the season has had certain effects on your well-being thus far and continues to do so.
Here is some advice on how to handle winter as it goes into February and impacts your mental and physical health:
How to Handle Winter’s Impact on Your Mental Health
Designate Some Time to Go Out
Of course, many have been spending a lot of time at home over the past three years due to COVID-19, which, in turn, has prompted people to discuss how important it is now more than ever to look after your mental health. If it’s safe, and on days when the weather is relatively mild, try designating some time to go out. Whether it’s just for a walk or you want to buy lunch, leaving the monotony of life at home every so often can help improve your mood.
Check-in with Yourself
Check-in with yourself once in a while and see how you’re doing, especially if you notice that you’ve been experiencing a lot of negative emotions. Even if you can’t immediately adopt direct measures to address these emotions (such as making an appointment with a counsellor/mental health professional), simply taking some time to acknowledge them, and reflect on why you’re feeling this way could make a huge difference.
How to Handle Winter’s Impact on Your Physical Health
Make Healthier Alternatives for Treats Often Consumed During Winter
During this cold season, people often turn to hot and sweet foods/beverages. Hot chocolate, for instance, is a popular go-to drink. These (of course) usually contain a significant amount of sugar and are also, at times, high in fat. They’re fine when you have them in moderation but might pose a problem if too much is consumed.
Therefore, if you find yourself craving these treats, a great way to continue enjoying some is by looking up recipes for healthier alternatives that can also satisfy your taste buds. Also, preparing sweets could be a fun activity, which is another positive aspect.
Try Exercising More (If You Aren’t Trying Already)
Though this depends on everyone’s unique situation, e.g. state of health, how much time you have in a day, etc., it’s a good idea to work out on a regular basis. A suggestion would be alternating between cardiovascular exercises and weight training. If you’re unsure where/how to start, there are many helpful videos online. Ultimately, what’s important is determining a way to stay active that works for you.
All in all, winter without a doubt can be a very challenging season to get through and dealing with its effects takes its toll in more ways than one. This is why it’s so crucial that you engage in various acts of self-care. If you consider the advice stated above and take the initiative where these areas are concerned, you’re on the right track to effectively handling winter as it stretches into February.
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