The Road to Independence…

The Road to Independence…

Jobs People Do | JobsPeopleDo.com

Congratulations! You made it through another successful school year. The future looks bright and you have plenty to get excited about. You may be going off to University or College this Fall and that requires a lot of preparation. If you are not going to College or University, that is OK, too. Everyone takes a different path and yours may not include post-secondary. If you are receiving your high school diploma this June, that means you are on your way to bigger and brighter things, naturally. Maybe you need to take a summer course or two- that is alright, too. You just need to know that whatever road you choose, you’ll be OK if you have the drive to take care of yourself and become independent. Working a job, volunteering and saving some money can help you feel more independent than you ever have before….


To finish off the year, JPD has some helpful articles for you before you hit summer break: financial aid for students in Alberta and Saskatchewan ( and Ontario), turning your grades around before year end, campus tours, detoxing from Netflix and chill, the healing power of the outdoors, and how to break up with your phone ( for a while). 

JPD will be back at the beginning of the school year on September 3rd, 2018. If you are not returning, we wish you good luck in all your academic and life endeavors! We hope JPD has given you some helpful tips and advice on how to navigate your career path.

Have a blast and stay safe!

Erin Bouman

Content Editor

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