Auditing a Course

What is Auditing?
At most colleges and universities interested students are offered the option of “auditing” a course, but what does that really mean? In short, auditing involves attending the lectures of a course without having to submit assignments or complete any of the coursework for grading.
Why Audit?
In most countries, going to college is the beginning of paid education. Grading and money are the primary factors in choosing to audit a course. Schools that offer auditing will have adjusted tuition rates at a fraction of the cost of full tuition. Put simply, you are paying for admission to the class only. It allows students to reap the benefits of learning from a qualified instructor without having the added pressure of earning a good grade distracting them. This approach is favoured by students who wish to sample a course before deciding if they feel comfortable enough to be graded on the material.
How to Audit a Course?
The first step is to contact the instructor or prof teaching the course. Most universities will require signed permission from the instructor and the department head before allowing a student to audit a course. Next, tuition will have to be paid off. Again, this amount will usually be less than full tuition. Those who choose to forgo buying the textbooks and other course materials can save even more, but might have a harder time grasping the concepts taught.
Who can Audit a Course?
Almost all colleges and universities require individuals interested in auditing a course to enroll as a student. However, there are some rare instances where senior high school students and graduated adults may be permitted to audit a course without officially becoming a student.
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