Welcome Back! Big News from JobsPeopleDo.com

Welcome back to class! We hope you had a relaxing and productive summer. Whether you volunteered, worked at your first (or second, or third) job, or spent the summer preparing for college, September is the month that you get back into the school routine.
Here at JobsPeopleDo.com, we’ve been working hard all summer to prepare for the launch of our French site. We are proud to be able to present our great editorial pieces to you en français, and very soon you will have the option to choose between reading our site in English or French. We appreciate your patience while we transition the site into its new dual role.
As always, we have great articles lined up for you all semester that offer advice and provide career profiles. Scholarships, volunteerism and science will also be monthly features here on JobsPeopleDo.com.
If there is anything you want to read about on the site, we want to hear from you! JobsPeopleDo.com is YOUR site filled with the content YOU want to see! Send us an e-mail at info@jobspeopledo.com with your suggestions.
From all of us, we wish you a wonderful new year of classes – wherever you may be in your education journey!
Jasmin Bollman, Assistant Editor
Don’t forget – be a mentor, someone needs you!
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