January Scholarships of the Month – Apply Now!

If you’re entering college or university in 2014, now is the time to get your applications in for scholarships and bursaries. The turning of the calendar to a new year heralds many new scholarship opportunities that you will not want to miss out on! Recently, the Canadian government announced plans for scholarships to honour Nelson Mandela – as soon as we have more information on these, we will pass them on to you. Until then, check out these great scholarships and bursaries that we have found for you this month:
1. From Failure to Promise Essay Contest – Open to students across Canada who meet GPA criteria. Amount: $500 – $1500. Deadline: July 31, 2014.
2. Fraser Institute Student Essay Contest – Open to students across Canada. Amount: $500 – $1500. Deadline: May 30, 2014.
3. Tronia Systems Scholarship – Open to students across Canada enrolled in an Agribusiness program. Amount: $1000. Deadline: October 4, 2014.
4. CBC Literary Prizes – Open to students across Canada who submit a 2500 word essay. Amount: Up to $6000. Deadline: February 1, 2014.
5. AEF Edcuational Scholarship – Intended for students interested in pursuing an equine-related post-secondary education. Amount: Varies. Deadline: April 25, 2014.
6. Joseph W. Atkinson Scholarship for Excellence in Teacher Education – Open to students in Ontario enrolled in a teacher’s college. Amount: $2000. Deadline: July 13, 2015.
7. Farm Credit Canada Support Grant – Open to students who are members of 4-H in 2013/2014. Amount: 30 grants worth $500 each. Deadline: January 31, 2014.
8. Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards – Open to students registered in a university bachelor’s degree program in natural sciences or engineering. Amount: $6500. Deadline: February 28, 2014.
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