February 21st, 2014; By Métis Nation of Ontario
Bursaries and Scholarships The Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Canada is dedicated to helping Aboriginals reach the highest standard of excellence in finance and management. AFOA’s initiatives in the development […]

February 20th, 2014; By Erik McKay
You’ve gone to university fairs, read the websites, explored your options, submitted your applications and have finally chosen your new university or college. That’s the hard part. Now you just have to […]

February 20th, 2014; By Gale Blaylock
As you know, all high school students need to have 40 hours of community service in order to graduate. Use this information to discover where your 40 hours can best […]

February 20th, 2014; By CareersInTrades.ca
There are several grants and other supports available from the federal government, although additional ones provided by the province/territory vary from one jurisdiction to the next. Federal supports are available […]

February 19th, 2014; By Susan Huebert
When you meet people who are called “doctor,” you expect them to be able to help cure illnesses and fix broken bones. Sometimes, however, doctors can be researchers, fundraisers or […]

February 19th, 2014; By Maria Pranschke
Le mot bénévolat est presque devenu un mot vilain dans certains milieux, et il n’est pas difficile de comprendre pourquoi: lorsque vous êtes à la recherche d’un emploi, travailler en tant […]

February 19th, 2014; By Maria Pranschke
Volunteering has almost become a dirty word in some circles, and it’s not hard to see why: when you’re looking for a job, giving away your labour for free can seem […]