Student Loan Repayment Assistance for Borrowers with Permanent Disabilities

Students with permanent disabilities who are having difficulty paying back their student loans are eligible for the Repayment Assistance Plan for Borrowers with Permanent Disabilities (RAP-PD). RAP-PD makes debt repayment easier for students with permanent disabilities by allowing them to pay back what they can reasonable afford.
Under RAP-PD:
- Loan payments are based on family income, family size and disability related expenses
- Students will not make loan payments exceeding 20% of their income (on loans covered by RAP-PD)
- In some cases, students will not have to make any loan payments until their income increases
- No student with a permanent disability should have a repayment period longer than 10 years
For other Inquiries relating to student loans contact:
National Student Loans Service Centre
Within North America: 1-888-815-4514
Outside North America: 1-800-2-225-2501
TTY: 1-888-815-4556
P.O. Box 4030
Mississauga, ON, L5A 4M4
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