July 2015: Summer Fun, Summer Focus
It’s here. Summer Vacation! Could this really be happening? Is this really true?
Why, yes!
You have worked so hard all year long, you are now ready to spend a few months outside those school doors and shouting, ” I did it!” You sure did. And if you didn’t accomplish everything you wanted, there is always a chance to redeem yourself- whether it is in academics, sports or the arts. There is always a way to catch up. Summer school and alternative studying throughout the summer can be an option for students still needing credits and help to boost grades.
The summer is a time for fun, but it can also be a time for focus. Don’t forget everything you just absorbed from the previous school year- let it help you in other areas of your life. Try out some new jobs and volunteering positions this summer; this might be the summer you decide what career path you will take on. Every spare minute during the summertime is valuable and should not be taken for granted. Even though the school year is over, Jobs People Do still has some awesome articles and links for you to check out including Babysitting tips, career profiles, summertime events in Toronto, nature watch events, personal budgeting tips, new scholarships and grants from July-September, and fun projects to do over the summertime ( just to name a few!)
So, put on your sun hat, grab your tablet, laptop or phone and check out Jobs People Do this month. We’re pretty…cool.
Later Days!
Erin Lynne Bouman
Content Editor
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