December 5th, 2017; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan
Ask anyone what they know about Canada, and most of them will tell you that apart from it being one of the most beautiful countries in the world with the […]

December 5th, 2017; By Susan Huebert
Suppose that everyone in your class except you got an invitation to a party. You would probably feel rejected. Maybe your mother or father had a job interview but the […]

December 5th, 2017; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan
As students, we aspire to be excellent in every subject as much as possible and always get straight As so our parents can put our report cards right on the […]

December 5th, 2017; By Susan Huebert
Everyone needs a role model, someone who stands out as being very special for showing people a better way to live. That’s true in all communities, including for people with […]

December 5th, 2017; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan
We all appreciate technology and how it has improved our lives especially in terms of communication and travel. At this point, we can’t imagine ourselves without our tablets or mobile […]

December 5th, 2017; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan
When it comes to liveability, Canada is certainly not lagging behind. According to the Economist’s global rankings of the most liveable cities in the world, Canadian cities such as Vancouver, […]

December 5th, 2017; By Anthony Teles
L’idée même de dette est épouvantable. C’est un piège, un fardeau émotionnel, et dans bien des cas, un besoin financier. Un aménagement minutieux peut vous aider à éviter beaucoup d’embuches […]