Living At Home During Post-Secondary Education

Acceptance letters from your university or college of choice opens a lot of doors. You’ll be heading into the world of post-secondary education and you can’t wait to get a jump start on your independence. The idea of moving out entices any eager student, but the reality is that staying home may be the way to go.
Don’t let this news deter you from certain schools or crush any dreams. Staying at home for a few years has significant benefits you can cash in on. Even if you don’t remain at home for the entirety of your post-secondary career, those first few years are crucial to think about.
Here are a few of the main reasons living at home will benefit you:
Saving Money
This might not seem like the biggest issue for anyone offered a scholarship, but it will be in the long run. School is expensive! Between books, classes, tutoring, meal plans, and living expenses, your bill is bound to skyrocket. Not to mention, certain schools are more expensive than others, and programs vary in prices as well.
Staying at home for a year or two allows you to save on rent, bills, and groceries. When you’re thinking about everything else you need to prepare for your first year of post-secondary education, additional expenses don’t need to be one of them.
We know how irritating it is to have family barge into our rooms without knocking. Some days it seems like all we can do not to bolt our doors shut. Well, unless you’re living in a room of your own (which would cost more), you’ll have roommates in your dorm as well.
Chances are you won’t know who you’re bunking with, which might lead to some friction. It’s worth looking into and getting to know the people around your living space.
One of the biggest comforts of living at home is the familiarity of your loved ones. It’s comforting to come home to a safe place where we’re loved and cared for. Moving out equals newfound independence, which can be overwhelming to a first-year student.
You should also get a feel for your school before making the huge decision to move there. See if you like your classes, professors, atmosphere, and fellow students. What seems like a good idea at the time can quickly deteriorate into an impulsive decision you question later.
None of this is to say you should avoid flying the coop. Of course, living at home is a big decision to make. A lot of factors come into play, such as your relationship with your family, your financial situation, and how close you are to your institute. You’ll also need to weigh your options between familiarity and moving out of your comfort zone.
Speak to other students who are both at home and on campus to get their perspectives. The most important thing to remember is that there’s no need to move out if you’re not ready. There’s no shame in it either.
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