Pen and Paper Ready – A Look into Writing Scholarships in Canada

Expressing your ideas clearly in a manner that captivates your audience sounds like it’s an easy task, but in reality, it’s a challenging one. This is why most people look up to writers because writing is a skill that can’t be easily acquired. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, and what’s better is there are a considerable number of scholarships available to allow you to further improve your skill and master your craft. Let’s take a look into some of them below.
Dr. MacEwan Literary Arts Scholarship
Writers in Alberta are eligible to apply for this $5,000 annual scholarship as long as they are able to demonstrate their remarkable skills in an eligible literary. The candidate also needs to have clear educational or training goals. Deadline for applications falls on March.
The New Brunswick Arts Board Scholarship
A $2,500 scholarship awaits a worthy recipient who will be able to prove their skills in novel writing, play writing, songwriting, and other forms of writing. The scholarship is open to full-time, part-time, or short-term students. Deadline for applications is on October 23, 2020.
Arts Nova Scotia Creation Grant
The idyllic province of Nova Scotia is a perfect environment to launch creative ideas, and the Arts Nova Scotia Creation Grant will be the cherry on top. This grant of up to $15,000 maximum is open to any individual who are passionate about creating in any art form, including writing. The grant can be used towards living expenses and project costs.
Governor General’s Literary Award
This award was launched in 1936 by members of the Canadian Authors Association to put a system of literary prizes in place. It recognizes book writers and their works in both English and French in seven categories including Fiction, Literary Non-fiction, Poetry, Drama, Young Peple’s Literature – Text, Young People’s Literature – Illustrated Books and Translation. The award is $25,000 per winner, with finalists also receiving $1,000 if chosen.
Chalmers Arts Fellowships
This fellowship is open to Ontario-based artists who want to further their artistic practice and have their mind set on long-term artistic development. The recipient must be practicing their art form for at least ten years. Minimum amount is $30,000 and maximum is $50,000 and can cover all eligible expenses.
Manitoba Arts Council
The Manitoba Arts Council provides a $2000 scholarship to qualified recipients with artistic pursuits in undergraduate studies and $3000 to those in graduate studies. The deadline for these scholarships is April 30.
Quebec Arts Council
The Quebec Arts Council provides a variety of grants with a maximum of #25,000 for Quebec-based artists in development or mid-career, including Arts and Literature.
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