Indigenous Perspectives on AI Ethics

Indigenous Perspectives on AI Ethics

par Anthony Teles
Jobs People Do | JobsPeopleDo.com

Have you been keeping up with all the crazy advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI)? It’s cool stuff, like a super-powered brain learning and doing all sorts of things. But with all this new tech, there are questions about how to use it right, especially for folks with different backgrounds and traditions.

That’s where Indigenous communities come in. They’ve been around for a long time, connected to the land and each other in deep ways. Their knowledge can teach us a lot about developing AI ethically.

Think about it — if an AI system is helping with healthcare or even how our communities are run, wouldn’t it be awesome if it worked for everyone, not just some? Including Indigenous voices in these discussions is key to making sure AI reflects a range of experiences and values.

Here’s the thing: Indigenous perspectives on AI ethics are unique. They focus on a few key areas:

  1. Respecting Your Space: Imagine having full control of your photos or what people know about you online. That’s what autonomy is all about. Indigenous communities emphasize this, and in the world of AI, it means making sure these systems don’t take over our choices.
  2. Community First: Remember that big family gathering you loved? That’s the kind of community spirit many Indigenous cultures have. AI shouldn’t break that up, right? Instead, it should help people connect and make things stronger, not widen any gaps.
  3. Honouring the Land: The land isn’t just dirt for Indigenous communities, it’s like a wise old friend and a source of knowledge and identity. AI shouldn’t push people away from their land, but instead help us take care of it for generations to come.
  4. Thinking Long Term: Imagine looking out for your grandkids, making sure they have a good world to grow up in. That’s intergenerational equity. When building AI, we need to think about how it will affect people way down the line.
  5. Fairness Matters: Imagine helping someone out and getting a thank you in return. That’s reciprocity. Just as Indigenous communities emphasize giving back to the water, plants, soil, and animals that provide life, if their knowledge helps develop AI, it’s only fair they get something back, not taken advantage of.

Here’s the kicker: talking to Indigenous communities about AI ethics isn’t enough. We need to work together, share ideas, and build this AI thing right from the start. This way, AI becomes something that works for everyone, not just a select few.

Sure, there might be some bumps along the road when putting ancient wisdom together with fancy new tech. But there’s also a huge chance to use AI for good: protecting languages, keeping traditions alive, and building tools that address specific needs in Indigenous communities.

By embracing these perspectives, we can create AI that’s not just smart, but also respectful and fair. Pretty cool, right? That’s how we build a digital future where everyone has a seat at the table.

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