The Human War with Technology

The Human War with Technology

by Tamara Tarchichi
Jobs People Do | JobsPeopleDo.com

Technology innovation has its shortcomings with concerns about the replacement of human beings in the near future.

Technology has become the essence of our everyday lifestyle. A life without our Blackberries or iPhones is a life undoubtedly one that cannot be lived. Imagine how everyday tasks that have been simplified to suit our preferences have been altered by technology to get the job done faster. Whether at school, work, or home; technology has made life easier by replacing everyday tasks with machines that process the work efficiently, saving you time and energy. However, one thing to be wary about is the replacement of, well, human beings. You see, with this booming techno era becoming so dependent on machinery tools to operate us, they will soon operate without us. Technological innovation is so consistent and rapid that every day a couple of new items enter the market for competition and since every company is aware of this massive command, they go to extreme measures. For instance, the need to save time, reduce costs, and improve the safety and reliability of their product, companies will lay off and downsize their staff to hire professionals in the same field located in India, China, or Taiwan for much cheaper labour, but who possess the same credibility and education level (if not more).

According to CareerPlanner.com, some of the jobs that will witness a reduction from North America and Europe in the near future are data entry, programming, technical support, and customer service jobs. Even accounting will be done in countries unfamiliar to our roots; yet have perfectly mastered our education and language. Talent and expertise are no longer suited to a job offer and great pay; the willingness of companies to pay high prices for local contenders will soon be obsolete, and lower-cost labour will move to third-world countries.

However, students can surpass these challenges by choosing wisely their career path today. By picking a profession that cannot be performed remotely by someone else overseas, you can guarantee security. Here are some of the secure jobs of the future (to list a few) that will still be in demand, cannot be replaced, require face-to-face interaction, and speed, and are complex in their nature. When searching for the right career, make sure it requires physical energy, a high level of skills and creativity (so it is not easily completed by someone else), and is hands-on. Do not panic if the career you really love is technology-based; do your homework and make sure you get familiar with onshore/offshore jobs for the future. No job is ever guaranteed, therefore to secure your position for tomorrow you must be aware of the fluctuation of the economy, along with its unexpected changes.  Plan it right today!

High Demand Jobs for the Next 10 Years

1.    Carpentry

2.    Plumbing

3.    Electrician

4.    Hair Stylist

5.    Construction Contractors

6.    Auto Mechanics

7.    Dental Hygienist

8.    Truck Drivers for delivery service (UPS, FEDEX, Postal Service)

9.    Airplane Mechanics

10.  Entertainment (Actor, Singer)

11.  Writer

12.  Marketing Strategist

13.  Lawyers

14.  Doctors

15.  Nurses (particularly home healthcare and nursing homes)

16.  Politician

17. Security & Financial Service Rep

18. Real Estate Agent

19. Teachers

20. Emergency Medical Technicians

21. Surgeon

22. Chiropractor

23. Therapists

24. Medical Lab Technician

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