Author's articles

Career Profile: Archivist

May 31st, 2015; By Susan Huebert

For some people, an old letter is just a piece of paper which is ready for the garbage. For others, the same letter is a piece of history, showing what life was like, long ago. […]

Career Profile: Window Washer

May 31st, 2015; By Susan Huebert

When you look out a window, you see many different things. You might see trees and flowers or maybe tall buildings. Your windows at home might face a soccer field or tennis courts, where you […]

Career Profile: Window Washer

May 31st, 2015; By Susan Huebert

When you look out a window, you see many different things. You might see trees and flowers or maybe tall buildings. Your windows at home might face a soccer field […]

Career Profile: Animal Trainer

May 31st, 2015; By Susan Huebert

Have you ever taught a dog to sit up and beg or to roll over? Many people train their pets to do simple tricks like that, but some people do even more complicated tasks. Animal […]

Careers In Trades: A List

May 31st, 2015; By Susan Huebert

The trades sector in Canada is constantly growing and changing. So how do you know which career path is right for you? Here at Jobs People Do, we’ve assembled a list of some of the […]

Career Profile: Sales Representative

May 31st, 2015; By Susan Huebert

Suppose that you wanted to buy something like a chocolate bar or even a computer. You would probably just go to a store, look at the different types that are […]

Profil de carrière : Opticien

May 31st, 2015; By Susan Huebert

Pour les gens qui voient mal, les lunettes ou les lentilles de contact font partie de la vie quotidienne. Sans eux, les personnes myopes trébucheraient sur de nombreux obstacles et les hypermétropes ne pourraient pas […]