«Featured Articles» column

Ce que tes notes signifient vraiment

September 1st, 2013; By Susan Huebert

Pour beaucoup d’étudiants, les notes peuvent être un aspect très stressant de l’école. Le temps des bulletins scolaires peut être difficile, surtout pour celui ou celle qui est proche de ne pas passer un cours. […]

Boire et conduire : Non, c’est Non

August 26th, 2013; By Kathleen Gerry

Tu l’as entendu mille fois: il ne faut pas boire quand on conduit. Tu as vu toutes les annonces commanditées par MADD - «Mères contre l’alcool au volant» («Mothers Againts Drunk Drivers») - mais tu […]

Ne sois pas CETTE fille

August 24th, 2013; By Sharon Deng

«Tes cheveux sont tellement laids!» «As-tu pris du poids?» As-tu déjà entendu ces choses-là, ou des choses pire que celles-là, proférées dans les couloirs? Étais-tu l’une de celles qui a dit quelques unes de ces terribles choses? […]

Preparing for High School

July 31st, 2013; By Susan Huebert

Starting high school can be an exciting time for many people. If you’re nearing that point in your life, you probably feel a combination of fear and anticipation. It’s the […]

Career Profile: Journalist

July 20th, 2013; By Erica Cooper

Journalists can have a specialty.  In large organizations, the journalists may specialize in only one task. In small organizations, each journalist may have to do many different tasks. Here are […]

Bringing Bedtime Back

July 20th, 2013; By Laurel Walsh

In adapting to a fast-paced lifestyle, students have forgotten a basic necessity: sleep! With demanding class schedules, study cramming, and endless party opportunities, the level of sleep deprived Canadian college […]

Five Places to Look for Summer Employment

July 1st, 2013; By 0 Backup WordPress

1. Golf Courses. Golf courses are everywhere and have a huge need for seasonal employment. Caddying, landscaping and working in the gift shop or restaurant are some opportunities available to […]