July 31st, 2015; By Patrick Start
Nous entendons cela tout le temps. Afin d’obtenir un bon emploi, il faut obtenir un diplôme universitaire, et que ceux qui ne sont pas capable d’être admis à une université ou un collège doivent se […]
July 31st, 2015; By kyla palin
Hello Everyone!
We are now into August; the last month of summer before school. As you enjoy and relish your last summer activities and events, you should also be thinking about your return to school. A […]
July 26th, 2015; By Susan Huebert
If you go out to the street where you live, you are likely to see several different methods of transportation. Cars and bicycles are two popular choices, but many people […]
June 26th, 2015; By Meghan Brown
Effective study skills are essential to learning from your class readings, homework, and lectures. To get the greatest benefit from your study time, it is useful to know which type of studier you are, and […]
June 26th, 2015; By Susan Huebert
Certaines personnes adorent magasiner, soit seul ou avec des amis. D’autres, par contre, trouvent le processus très épuisant ou ennuyeux, ou elles pourraient simplement être trop occupées pour consacrer du […]
June 26th, 2015; By Teodora Pasca
L’argent ne devrait jamais, sous aucun prétexte, être une barrière à surmonter afin de recevoir une éducation, pourtant la réalité dicte autrement pour de nombreux étudiants. Faisant face à des […]
June 26th, 2015; By Isabella Thorsen
During winter, what happens? We stay inside because it is cold. What do we do while we are inside? We watch TV and ‘serf’ the internet. We don’t do much else, just relax and stay […]