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Que dois-je faire si je pense avoir le syndrome d’Asperger ou TDAH ? Un aperçu sur les symptômes de chacun de ces troubles et les démarches que vous pouvez prendre pour obtenir du soutien professionnel, surtout si vous êtes inquiet.

November 2nd, 2024; By author below

De Bhargavi Venkataraman   Le syndrome d’Asperger est un trouble du développement qui est caractérisé par une difficulté à communiquer avec les autres socialement, ainsi que des comportements répétitifs et […]

Teaching Empathy and Kindness Through Children’s Literature

January 8th, 2024; By Susan Huebert

In school, students learn mathematics, science, and all kinds of other subjects through their classes. Learning qualities like empathy and kindness is more difficult, but reading children’s literature can help. […]

Exploring Non-Degree Education Options in Canada

October 2nd, 2023; By author below

By Olivia-Condlln Wilby Although many students choose to pursue a degree after high school, there are lots of options for learning at the postsecondary level – including courses, certificates, and […]

My Campus Life: The First Day

March 19th, 2023; By Mara Hurst

I just completed my first semester of college. And looking back on it, I feel as though I have grown and discovered plenty about myself. My first day was nerve-wracking. […]

Eco-anxiety: Mental health issues caused by climate concerns

March 2nd, 2023; By Mara Hurst

Climate change and environmental disasters can cause immense amounts of anxiety. This stress actually has a name of its own: Eco-anxiety. Eco-anxiety can be described as “a feeling of worry […]

A look at the Indigenous Connectivity Summit and the digital divide that impacts Indigenous Communities

January 9th, 2023; By author below

By Maryam Sheikh Have you heard of the term digital equity? The First Nations Technology Council defines it as a state in which all Indigenous peoples, communities, and Nations are […]

Ces emplois que vous ne pensiez pas être des métiers

December 11th, 2022; By Susan Huebert

Si vous deviez nommer un métier, vous penseriez probablement à quelque chose comme électricien ou plombier. Ce sont quelques-uns des emplois que les gens associent généralement avec l’idée de métier. […]