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Fall In Love With Nature

by Nature Conservancy Canada

A recent Ipsos Reid poll conducted for the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) shows that more than 97 percent of Canadians believe that getting outdoors is important to their family’s […]

Science Isn’t Just For Scientists

by David Suzuki Foundation

A 14-year-old boy in Donetsk, Ukraine, recently made a fascinating discovery halfway around the world and 894 metres under the sea. Kirill Dudko was watching Neptune Canada’s live-stream footage of […]

Geothermal Heat and the Sewers of Paris

by Susan Huebert

Winter is here, together with ice, snow, and cold weather. Many people have already started using furnaces fueled by oil, natural gas, coal or other forms of energy to keep […]

Could Hockey Become an Endangered Sport?

by David Suzuki Foundation

One benefit of the National Hockey League strike: it gave people time to play outside on real ice! But outdoor skating could face the same difficulties as the NHL – […]

The World’s Newest Snake

by Susan Huebert

Suppose that you saw a long, thin brown rope hanging from a tree and that the rope suddenly started to move. What would you think it was? If you were […]

Co-Operative Education and Volunteering

by Patrick Start

When we think of work we usually immediately think of compensation – which, in all fairness, is why we work. However, working for free or enrolling in what is called […]