
Indirectly Working in the Trades- Jobs That Surround the Trade Industry

par Susan Huebert

A career in the trades can be a very stable, good choice for people who have the ability and physical endurance to do the work, but it is not for […]

Why learning at your own pace is ok!

par Kaitlyn Hover

Everyone is different, and therefore, everyone learns a little bit differently! Have you ever been stuck on a task that you were assigned by your teacher that everyone else seems […]

The Trials and Tribulations of Choosing a Career

par Alicia Natividad

What do you want to be when you grow up? This is a question that everyone’s heard before. When you’re younger, the question doesn’t really mean much. But as you […]

Agricultural – Dairy Herdsperson

par Susan Huebert

Milk and foods that come from it are important parts of many people’s diet. If you eat cereal with milk every morning or have cheese on your sandwiches, you need […]

Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Programmer (High School)

par Susan Huebert

Every day, people use objects made of materials like wood, metal, or plastic. If you ever wonder how these objects are made, you might want to consider becoming a computer […]

Be the Toast of the Masters – How Scholarship Applications Boost Your Public Speaking Skills

par Rochelle C. Pangilinan

The scandal that hit the headlines last year about famous TV actresses buying their daughters a way into prominent universities truly had everyone shocked, but it’s a testament to how […]