Articles tagged with...
March 31st, 2015; By Teodora Pasca
L’essai parfait est un chef-d’œuvre. Il est parfaitement structuré, il coule de l’introduction à la conclusion en passant par la problématique. Il contient des citations et une bibliographie impeccables, sans la moindre faute d’orthographe ou […]
December 30th, 2014; By Teodora Pasca
We’ve all made mistakes in our academic careers. Whether it’s a test we just weren’t prepared for or an assignment that didn’t go as planned, a poor grade or two—or […]
September 1st, 2013; By Susan Huebert
Pour beaucoup d’étudiants, les notes peuvent être un aspect très stressant de l’école. Le temps des bulletins scolaires peut être difficile, surtout pour celui ou celle qui est proche de ne pas passer un cours. […]
July 1st, 2013; By Kristen Mcbain
Although the thought of spending a beautiful summer’s day inside a dark classroom while others are lounging at the beach may sound less than appealing, in the long run taking […]
January 26th, 2013; By Kathleen Gerry
Time management is a problem for many people because there are so many distractions in our day-to-day lives that can interfere with whatever goals we have to accomplish that day, […]
November 23rd, 2012; By Mike Sneed
The road to college for ordinary senior high school students commonly includes the dreams of big scholarships to top universities. This is particularly true in the opening years of senior […]