Articles tagged with...

Bursaries, Grants and Scholarships: What is the difference?

September 30th, 2015; By Erin Kelly

What is a bursary? I am sure you have heard this term in passing while in your career class, or in an information session about university or college. A bursary […]

July-September Scholarships: Apply Now!

June 26th, 2015; By Erin Kelly

For most, summer has begun. That doesn’t mean there aren’t any scholarships to prepare for! When it comes to financing your future, you should always be looking ahead. New scholarships […]

Money and You; What is Your Future Worth?

June 26th, 2015; By Erin Kelly

When I got my first job at the fast food restaurant, McDonalds, I was 14 years old. I was paid a “student wage” of $6.45 per hour. That may seem like nothing today, but when […]

I Didn’t Get a Scholarship… Now What?

June 26th, 2015; By Teodora Pasca

Money should not, under any circumstances, serve as a barrier to education, yet the reality for many students can be quite different. Faced with consistently increasing tuition, student fees, and […]

Subventions pour étudiants handicapés

December 17th, 2014; By Service Canada

Suis-je admissible? Vous êtes admissible si vous : -       Appliquez et vous qualifiez pour un prêt aux étudiants canadiens; -       Êtes inscrit dans un programme à temps plein ou partiel (de minimum 32 semaines) dans une institution post secondaire […]

Les bourses pour étudiants en situation de handicap

November 17th, 2014; By Service Canada

Suis-je admissible? Tu es admissible si tu : - a présenté une demande de prêt canadien aux étudiants et que tu as été jugé admissible; - es inscrit dans un programme à temps plein ou à temps partiel […]

Les bourses pour étudiants en situation de handicap

October 16th, 2014; By Service Canada

Suis-je admissible? Tu es admissible si tu : - a présenté une demande de prêt canadien aux étudiants et que tu as été jugé admissible; - es inscrit dans un programme à temps plein ou à temps partiel […]