Articles tagged with...

La géo-ingénierie serait-elle l’arme secrète contre les changements climatiques?

October 17th, 2013; By David Suzuki Foundation

Modifier l'environnement pour répondre à nos besoins n'est pas un concept nouveau. Du défrichage à la construction de barrages, cela fait des années et des années que nous le faisons. Lorsque nos technologies et populations […]

Quelle est la valeur de quelque chose dont nous ne pouvons nous passer?

August 17th, 2013; By David Suzuki Foundation

Plus de 13% du Produit intérieur brut (PIB) du Canada dépend directement des écosystèmes en santé, selon une note de réunion interne d'Environnement Canada obtenue par Postmedia News. Par contraste, le projet économique de prédilection […]

What Happens After a Forest Fire?

July 1st, 2013; By Susan Huebert

Imagine what it would be like to watch a forest fire. Would you feel sad as you watched the trees and bushes burn and gradually turn to ash? Would you […]

Bean Leaves, Bedbugs and Biomimicry

May 23rd, 2013; By David Suzuki Foundation

Scientists often come up with new discoveries, technologies or theories. But sometimes they rediscover what our ancestors already knew. A couple of recent findings show we have a lot to […]

Astronomers: Observers of Space

April 29th, 2013; By Bel Harris

It’s easy to imagine an astronomer spending their days (or, rather, their nights) gazing up at the stars observing planetary activity and other celestial bodies. To a certain extent you […]

Uncovering Life on Mars with the Curiosity Rover

April 20th, 2013; By Bel Harris

The Curiosity Rover is a mobile laboratory built by NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory. Launched on November 26, 2011 from Cape Canaveral in Florida, Curiosity’s 23 month journey through outer space […]

The Most Dangerous Places On Earth

March 23rd, 2013; By Kylie Nussey

Extreme heat and extreme cold can kill within hours if not minutes. In extreme cold, the human body without clothing does not maintain a high enough temperature to live. If […]