
Breaking Down Barriers – Overcoming the Stereotypes on Skilled Trades

by Rochelle C. Pangilinan

An article in the Toronto Star by economics columnist Heather Scoffield states that there remains to be a significant difference in how men and women are paid in the country. […]

Career Profile: Auto Body Repairer (French version available)

by Susan Huebert

Every day, accidents happen on roads all over Canada. They might be minor and barely dent or scratch the vehicles involved, or they might badly damage cars or trucks. For […]

Career Profile: Information Technology Network Technician

by Susan Huebert

If you ever work with computers, you know how helpful but sometimes frustrating they can be. You might have worked for hours on a project and then found that only […]

Career Profile: Furniture Finisher (French version available)

by Susan Huebert

Every room in your home or school likely has furniture in it. The tradespeople who make this furniture look and feel good are furniture finishers. As the name shows, these […]

Supply Chain and Construction Will Lead In-Demand Trades in the 2020s (French version available)

by Meghan Brown

Demand for certain jobs rises and falls from year to year and decade to decade, but there has been an overall trend of strong growth across the trades for the […]

Career Profile: Marine Engine Technician (French version available)

by Susan Huebert

Some people like working with engines, taking them apart to see how they work and then putting them back together. These machines come in many different types, including marine engines. […]