Say No to Winter Blahs with an Indoor...

Say No to Winter Blahs with an Indoor Garden

par Rochelle C. Pangilinan
Jobs People Do | JobsPeopleDo.com

There is no doubt that winter can make us feel a little gloomy given the fact how it limits our outdoor activities and forces us to stay indoors most of the time. However, there are ways to combat these winter blues that can even help us acquire a summer mood. One of those ways is to have an indoor garden—no matter the space. Read on for the essential tips.

Choose the right plants

Not all plants are built for indoors, but the good deal is that there is a great number of plants that thrive indoors—and can even help improve indoor quality too! Examples are aloe vera, spider plant, gerbera daisy, red-edge dracaena, azalea, weeping fig, English ivy, and Chinese evergreen. You may ask your home and garden supply stores for these plants. Be wary of poisonous indoor plants like the snake plant (the name practically gives it away) as they can be harmful for kids and pets.

Check for the light

Most indoor plants require a great deal of sunlight. Thus, if you are starting an indoor garden, make sure you have enough space in your house so you can place them by the windows or anywhere else where they can receive ample sunlight—even during winter’s short daytime hours. Of course, there are plants that wither easily from sunlight too, so place them away from sunlight.

Don’t forget the right soil

You don’t have to be born with a green thumb to know which soil is best for indoor plants. Simply apply common sense. Garden soil is a no-no for indoor plants simply because they are for the outside garden. This type of soil will make your indoor plants undernourished. As such, go with humus and perlite instead. You may also choose to use fertilizer with half-strength liquid.

Know the adequate amount of moisture

You don’t have to drown your indoor plants with water. Give them just the ample amount. Spritzing them with water is the best move. For other plants, it is best to give water from the bottom up. Place the pot on a bowl or dish with water, and your indoor plants will thank you. If the pot is small enough, you can also take them to the tub or sink to soak them—but not too much.

Right-size the pot

Often, you would not have to change the pot that the plant came in with. In some cases where you have to replant, it is best to go with a pot that is at least two inches bigger in diameter than the original one. Avoid using too big pots as this would tend to make you give them more water than necessary. Too much water can rot the roots, and you will have a withered plant in no time.

Kick away that winter gloom by following the tips above and filling your space with greenery instead. You will be happy that you made the move.

Go for natural critter control

It is unlikely your indoor plants would attract bugs. However, there are some types that do, especially if you have vegetable plants. If this happens, go for organic pesticide control. Always make sure not to spray too much, and when spraying, keep it at a safe distance.

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