
Career Profile: Yoga Instructor

by kyla palin

So you love yoga. You’ve dedicated your time to deepening your practice, and the next logical step is teaching others! Becoming a teacher is a wonderful way to broaden your […]

Completing the Puzzle: Why Nature Matters

by Anthony Teles

With so many devices to keep a person entertained in the confines of their home, it is hard to blame anyone for spending much of their time inside. You may […]

Reading and You: Why it is Important

by Laura Sciarpelletti

We do not always get to choose what we read in school, in fact often times the books are chosen by teachers or predetermined by a course pack. This can […]

I Hate Homework: Why homework is important and how to get through it.

by Laura Sciarpelletti

No one likes being made to do what he or she does not like, and homework is the ultimate example of that. The truth is that of course homework can […]

Career Profile: Dentist

by Patrick Start

When most of us have to take that trip to the dentist, we huff and puff. With the needles, drills and the not so tasty fluoride, we don’t really jump […]

Careers in Science

by Patrick Start

Science is one of the largest fields of study, today. From the evolution of humans to the development of the solar system, science has been there to explain the world’s […]