Student Life

How to Get Your 40 Hours of Community Service

by Gavin Mercier

At first, getting your 40 hours of community service might seem like a chore. But over the course of 4 years, 40 hours might just be achieved from your everyday […]

3 Students Have Suggestions Adaptive Technology for Visually Impaired Central Ontario Leadership Seminars Promo Video Checking University applications Do Your Labs on Time Don't Delay Post Secondary Focus on Jobs When Choosing Courses Get Involved Importance of Schooling Know Whats Going On Practical Knowledge in College Rachelle Neuroscience Taking a Year Off to Train for the Circus Time Off Exchange Program Use Your TAs What I would tell my younger self

Career Profile: Cardiovascular Perfusion

by Jingwei Chen

Cardiovascular perfusion is probably one of those health care professions you have never heard of. These individuals are an integral member of open-heart and thoracic surgery teams. Now let’s dive […]

Millennial Madness

by Anthony Teles

Do you feel overwhelmed? Growing up is, and always has been, a stressful experience. The culmination of technological advancements, economical circumstances, and societal evolution has resulted in a very unique […]

March Break Activities to Do in Alberta

by Mariann Roberts

If you are a student in post-secondary, you are probably more than ready for a well-deserved break by the time March break rolls around. However, luxury vacations in exotic places […]

Frosh Week 101

by Jingwei Chen

Frosh week can also be known as orientation week, and it is a universal rite of passage for all incoming post-secondary students. As the name suggests, it is a week […]

Raindrops keep falling on my head—why do I feel like the world is out to get me?

by Laura Sciarpelletti

It goes without saying that university can be a very stressful time. And true to the old saying…when it rains it pours. Problems never seem to come one at a […]