
March Madness!

par Giselle Mazurat

March break is around the corner; right about now you might be thinking that you really need a break. You've been working hard through all these winter months and it has been trying. March break […]

Had a Bad Day?

par Marianne Stephens

Have you had a lousy, everything-just-keeps-going-wrong kind of bad day? We’ve all been there. Sometimes things just don’t go the way they should, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be […]

How Do I Respect Other People’s Differences?

par Mariann Roberts

Growing up as a Canadian student, you have probably noticed kids in your class who may be very different from you. From different skin tones, to languages, to the kinds […]

Regrets – why you shouldn’t take them to heart.

par Gavin Mercier

Everyone has regrets, no matter what they say. We all have at least one thing we regret doing – maybe it’s something you said, or maybe it’s even something you […]

Why am I so tired all the time?

par Gavin Mercier

First, the obvious answer: you aren’t getting enough sleep. The ideal length of your sleep should be from 7-8 hours. But getting enough sleep isn’t the only thing that contributes […]

How to Get Your 40 Hours of Community Service

par Gavin Mercier

At first, getting your 40 hours of community service might seem like a chore. But over the course of 4 years, 40 hours might just be achieved from your everyday […]