
Joining Extracurricular Activities

by Michelle Osei-Bonsu

Whether you’re in middle school, high school, university, or college, getting involved with extracurricular activities is a great way to engage yourself outside of the classroom. It also serves as […]

I Want to Be Like Lady Gaga!

by Susan Huebert

Imagine what it would be like to be a famous musical star, walking up onto stages around the world to sing to your cheering fans. You could be like Lady […]

Why Should I Take French Classes?

by Sam Cross

French might not be your favourite subject. I mean, it might be – and if it is, you should definitely take it. Keep learning and improving, discover new words, and […]


by Jasmin Bollman

With Canada’s unemployment rate at an estimated 7.6 per cent and the youth unemployment rate almost double that at approximately 14 per cent, it is becoming evident that one of […]

Looking for An Ideal Employer

by Susan Huebert

People expect a lot of you. Your family probably expects you to work hard at school or to help out at home. Your teachers expect you to finish your homework, […]

Win a Kobo E-Reader from JobsPeopleDo.com!

by Jasmin Bollman

WIN  two Kobe e-readers – one for you and one for your school  & have your story read by over 1 million students across Canada!