Articles tagged with «study...
October 31st, 2017; By Marianne Stephens
Everyone learns differently. If you’re having trouble understanding what’s going on, sometimes a different approach can help and your marks will improve. There are always different methods to learn, and […]
April 28th, 2016; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan
There is a small percentage of students who look forward to studying for tests and exams- but most dread it! Like all the Sheldon Coopers before them, they get excited […]
April 20th, 2016; By Jingwei Chen
There are dozens of social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest and more. In a report issued by the Social Affairs Division of the Library of Parliament, over […]
February 19th, 2016; By Jingwei Chen
Have you noticed that study rooms often include a whiteboard? I have studied at many university libraries and all the study rooms I have used included a whiteboard. (Whether working […]
November 24th, 2015; By Jingwei Chen
La session d’automne est presque terminée—et vous savez tous ce que cela signifie: des examens cumulatifs qui valent un pourcentage effrayant de votre note finale. Il semble que les examens de mi-session viennent tout juste […]
August 31st, 2014; By Teodora Pasca
J’espère que tu as passé un très bel été, parce que septembre et la rentrée sont arrivés. Que tu commences l’école secondaire ou que tu entames ta dernière année au postsecondaire, une tonne de travail […]
September 24th, 2013; By Mackenzie Wall
Étudier pour un devoir sur table qui couvre plusieurs chapitres est une tâche intimidante. Hormis l’examen final, c’est le devoir que tous les étudiants du secondaire redoutent, peu importe quelles sont leurs notes. Beaucoup d’étudiants […]