
Women in the Trades, Statistics and Perceptions

by Jamie Hadland

When you picture a construction worker, plumber, electrician or pipefitter, what image comes to mind? Most people imagine a burly, middle-aged man, wearing overalls, covered in dirt or grease. Trades […]

Spotlight: ACCESS ‘Your One Stop Shop’ for Aboriginal Apprenticeship

by Erin Kelly

Who? “ACCESS Trades is committed to providing apprentices with the resources and support necessary to successfully complete the full term of their apprenticeship.  Our only goal is to help Aboriginal […]

Career Profile: Concrete Pumping

by Patrick Start

Concrete pumping; what is it? You may have seen those cement trucks dumping cement into trenches and sidewalks. The concrete pump serves a similar purpose, but it is used for […]

Career Profile: CNC Machinist

by Patrick Start

Computer Numeric Control, more commonly known as CNC emerged during the 1940s and 50s. In its simplest form, it is the usage of a computer to create and machine a […]

Trades Programs for Women Across Canada

by Maria Cruz

Well, I can’t pretend that I don’t know women have it… a little more difficult than men when it comes to pretty much anything. When you’re trying to earn your […]

Career Profile: Elevator Installer

by Susan Huebert

Every day, people in tall buildings go up or down in elevators. How often do they think about the people who make it possible to ride to their offices or […]