February 1st, 2022; By Sarah Leung
Les problèmes actuels des enfants ayant un handicap en Colombie-Britannique En Colombie-Britannique, environ 30 000 enfants ayant un handicap obtiennent de l’aide. Cependant, ce nombre ne tient pas compte des […]

February 1st, 2022; By author below
De Tiffany Chang Déposer des demandes dans des établissements postsecondaires peut, parfois, être effrayant. Fondamentalement, c’est votre prochaine étape pour vous préparer à la vie adulte. Toutefois, ce qui peut […]

February 1st, 2022; By Anthony Teles
The days are slowly getting longer as winter drags on. February is often a challenging month with yet another snowfall and bitter cold temperatures. The pandemic nearing the two-year mark […]

February 1st, 2022; By author below
De Selina Félicitations, vous êtes arrivé au Canada ! Voici quelques renseignements utiles pour vous aider à vous installer. La géographie Le paysage canadien est diversifié, des montagnes et prairies, […]

February 1st, 2022; By author below
By Selina The pandemic has resulted in a tremendous increase in the time we spend on video conferencing calls and meetings using platforms such as Zoom. The term “Zoom fatigue” […]

February 1st, 2022; By author below
By Tiffany Chang As students progress through school, their familiarity with longer written work continues to grow. Whether it’s an expository essay for English or a history report, they remain […]

February 1st, 2022; By Sarah Leung
It is not uncommon to start your post-secondary experience without a specific major in mind. In fact, 20-50% of all students entering post-secondary are undecided about their major. This is […]