The Dog Days of Winter

The days are slowly getting longer as winter drags on. February is often a challenging month with yet another snowfall and bitter cold temperatures. The pandemic nearing the two-year mark doesn’t help. Provinces like Ontario and Quebec are just starting to ease restrictions, and we are all wondering what the next stage of Covid-19 will look like. While you’re inside staying warm, take a look at what JPD has to offer this month.
This month, we have recommendations for avoiding burnout from online schooling, advice for those going into their final semester of post-secondary life, and pointers for handling a Zoom interview. We welcome international students who have made the major decision to come here with some helpful tips for settling in Canada, as well as advice for those struggling to decide on their major and considering an undecided major.
Beyond school life, we take a look at how the climate crisis has impacted BC, ways to overcome your fear of driving in order to get your licence, and a list of jobs that require great eyesight.
As provinces begin to ease Covid-19 restrictions and we take cautious steps towards reopening, JobsPeopleDo will continue to guide you through this new normal. For now, enjoy our latest issue! To get started, check out our featured articles below:
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