February 1st, 2022; By Susan Huebert
In 2021, British Columbia experienced some of its worst weather ever. The town of Lytton burned down, while fires burned in the province, and other areas experienced extreme heat that killed many people. Next were […]

February 1st, 2022; By Susan Huebert
Artists are known for their creativity, such as paintings or sculptures in galleries and on people’s walls. However, commercial artists are different. They work in a variety of industries, using […]

January 4th, 2022; By Susan Huebert
Imaginez vos parents ou vos grands-parents acheter des boites de Lego pour construire leurs propres immeubles avec des rues. Vous pourriez vous demander s’ils ont oublié leur âge ou s’ils […]

January 4th, 2022; By Susan Huebert
Gérer les questions environnementales peut être difficile, surtout lorsque les améliorations semblent très lentes. Beaucoup de gens voudraient faire quelque chose de grand et d’impressionnant, mais cela peut être trop […]

January 4th, 2022; By Susan Huebert
Lorsque le soleil se lève, certains sont prêts à commencer leur journée au travail ou à l’école. Arrivés en milieu de soirée, ils peuvent se mettre à bâiller alors que […]

January 4th, 2022; By Susan Huebert
If you go on a trip, you will likely stay at a hotel at some point. The person you meet first at any hotel is the front desk clerk. People in this job have a […]

January 4th, 2022; By Susan Huebert
Most cities and towns have at least some people who are homeless or living in poverty, or both. People in this situation might have been going through a difficult time in their lives, or they […]