Author's articles

Career Profile: Museum Technicians and Conservators

May 29th, 2019; By Susan Huebert

Visiting a museum can be fun. Learning about history and different cultures through the exhibits is a good way of making the past real. Have you ever thought about the people who […]

La carrière de réparateur de montre

May 1st, 2019; By Susan Huebert

Lorsque les gens ont besoin de savoir l’heure qu’il est, ils n’ont qu’à regarder la montre qu’ils portent au poignet. Comme beaucoup de gens en ont, c’est une bonne carrière […]

La carrière de pompiste

May 1st, 2019; By Susan Huebert

Tous les jours, des milliers de voitures, de camions et de bus roulent et ils ont tous besoin de carburant. Si vous devenez pompiste, vous permettrez à ces véhicules de […]

La carrière de poseur de papier peint

May 1st, 2019; By Susan Huebert

Décorer une pièce demande beaucoup de travail. Les décorateurs d’intérieur peuvent concevoir les couleurs et les motifs d’une pièce, mais parfois d’autres personnes font le travail. Le poseur de papier […]

Career Profile: Service Station Attendants

April 23rd, 2019; By Susan Huebert

Every day, thousands of cars, trucks, and buses drive down the roads, and they all need fuel. If you become a service station attendant, you will help these vehicles to […]

Career Profile: Watch Repairer

April 23rd, 2019; By Susan Huebert

When people want to know the time, they often just look at the watches on their wrists. With so many people wearing them, a career as a watch repairer could […]

Career Profile: Paper Hanger

April 23rd, 2019; By Susan Huebert

Making a room look nice takes a lot of work. Interior decorators might plan the colours and designs, but sometimes, other people do the work to make it all come […]