May 1st, 2020; By Anthony Teles
COVID-19 has dominated the headlines. Story after story, from the promising to the frightening, have revolved around the pandemic. Nonetheless, this is still the same world from mere months ago. […]

April 30th, 2020; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan
As of April 17, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that there have been 2,160,207 confirmed cases of COVID-19 throughout the world, with 146,088 recorded deaths so far. In Canada, […]

April 30th, 2020; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan
“The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all,” the Emperor says to Mulan to encourage her to remain optimistic and not give up the […]

April 30th, 2020; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan
We all know that COVID-19 has changed our lives. While it has obviously turned things upside down, there’s no excuse not to educate one’s self about the pandemic and delve […]

March 31st, 2020; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan
With coronavirus cases skyrocketing around the world, there’s no doubt that this is the most pressing issue we are facing now. In Canada alone, there have been almost 900 recorded […]

March 31st, 2020; By author below
By Erin Rebello If you’re anything like me, you’re interested in just about everything STEM related! From books to movies to school subjects and more, I absolutely love STEM! You’ve […]

March 31st, 2020; By Alexa Cairns
Have you ever felt unmotivated or thought, “I’m only one person, I can’t make that big of a difference.”? Most of us have at some point. Next time you catch […]