«Campus Life» column

A Time of Crises and Protests

December 30th, 2019; By Anthony Teles

Protests are powerful. They are an organized emotional reaction to problems that no one individual person can stand up to on their own. More and more protests are appearing in […]

Holiday Gift Buying That Won’t Damage the Planet

December 1st, 2019; By Alexa Cairns

Everyone is aware of the struggle of gift buying. However, we are all ignoring the most important thing that we should be focusing on; the environment. With everything we do, […]

Sleep Deprivation While in School

December 1st, 2019; By Marianne Stephens

Sleep deprivation is never a good thing. It can be managed for a short time, but it can get worse and have serious impacts on your long term health. It […]

The Trials and Tribulations of Choosing a Career

November 25th, 2019; By Alicia Natividad

What do you want to be when you grow up? This is a question that everyone’s heard before. When you’re younger, the question doesn’t really mean much. But as you […]

Extracurricular Activities That Lead to Jobs During High School

October 31st, 2019; By Alexa Cairns

School clubs are an amazing way to get involved and gain life experience, learn, and lead into jobs in the future. By taking part in these clubs and teams, you […]

The Importance of Addressing Workplace Inequality

October 31st, 2019; By Alexa Cairns

In 1848, the women’s suffrage movement began. Females all across New York State joined together to stand up for themselves and their rights as human beings. Since then, we as […]

Positive Mindsets During School

October 30th, 2019; By Elora Pharai

The idea of returning to school after a long, relaxing summer is never overly enthralling. Students usually tend to dread the idea of going back; so much so that the […]