«Campus Life» column

How to Cope with Depression in the Family

April 29th, 2015; By Kathleen Gerry

Depression is something that has been in the news a lot recently, thanks in part to the Bell Let’s Talk Day. Only recently have mental health initiatives as large as […]

Making a Living in Poetry

April 29th, 2015; By Susan Huebert

If you read about the lives of famous poets like John Milton and William Shakespeare, you might notice something they had in common. They wrote great poetry which is still […]

Career Profile: Dietitian

March 31st, 2015; By Susan Huebert

Cooking a good, balanced meal can be complicated. Some types of food taste good, but they have too much fat or sugar to be healthy, or they contain something else […]

Is An Arts Degree Worth the Money?

March 31st, 2015; By Kathleen Gerry

Pursuing an arts degree offers you a wide range of opportunities to study in different areas, including languages, visual arts, theatrical arts, Canadian studies, film studies, aboriginal studies, English, environmental studies, geography, […]

What Is A Cruciverbalist?

March 31st, 2015; By Susan Huebert

One across is a six-letter word for a job or occupation. One down is a fourteen-letter word for someone who creates or solves crossword puzzles. Together, they make one of […]

It Feels Good to Volunteer!

March 31st, 2015; By Kathleen Gerry

Volunteering is an opportunity to grow personally and professionally, and to contribute to your community. When volunteering, you are provided with a repertoire of experiences that can help you to […]

How to Write an Effective, Powerful Resume

March 31st, 2015; By Giselle Mazurat

An effective, powerful resume is an advertisement for you. It tells the employer what you can do for them and proves you’re the best person for the job. If your […]