Community Pathway

NEADS Event Calendar: January 2016


Event Calendar listings from www.neads.ca –  Vist NEADS.ca for more information on upcoming events! Organizer: Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW) Title: Workplace Essential Skills Partnership (WESP) Workshop Category: […]

Thriving with Anxiety: Where does it come from, and what can I do about it?

by Anthony Teles

You are sitting in class. The clock ticks. Then it hits you: Your heart runs wild and beads of sweat run down your forehead. Anxiety comes hard and fast, but […]

Why Workplace Openness About Mental Illness and Disability is Important

by Laura Sciarpelletti

There is nothing more important for people struggling with mental illness or disabilities than a comfortable balance between work and daily life. Unfortunately society as a whole has not entirely […]

The Importance of Networking When Looking for a Job

by Marianne Stephens

Stop me if you’ve heard this before: In order to get a job or start your career, networking is the single most valuable thing you can do in your post-graduate […]

Disability Studies: Exploring the Margins ( Conference in Hawaii)


The conference Disability Studies: Exploring the Margins from the Center and the Center from the Margins will take place from April 25-26, 2016 at the Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. […]

Muscular Dystrophy: From Immobility to Opportunity

by Anthony Teles

Many things are so second nature that we never give them a second thought. Your legs take those steps out the door in the morning, and your thumbs dance across […]