Student Life

Taking notes in Post Secondary

par Geoff Howell

You’re writing as fast as your hand will go – the words from the screen flying onto your page in a barely legible chicken-scratch font as you race to get […]

3 Students Have Suggestions Adaptive Technology for Visually Impaired Central Ontario Leadership Seminars Promo Video Checking University applications Do Your Labs on Time Don't Delay Post Secondary Focus on Jobs When Choosing Courses Get Involved Importance of Schooling Know Whats Going On Practical Knowledge in College Rachelle Neuroscience Taking a Year Off to Train for the Circus Time Off Exchange Program Use Your TAs What I would tell my younger self

A Guide to University Housing Part 1: The Downside of Dorm Life

par Laurel Walsh

No parents, co-ed dorms, constant partying and food whenever you want it; living in residence sounds like a blast! And it can be, but if you’re considering spending a year […]

Sports for Life: A Career in Physical Education is Possible

par Giulio Rocco

With the Winter Olympics just behind us, and the FIFA World Cup still going on,2010 is becoming an exciting year for international sports. Although extra-curricular activities and education do not […]

Laughing your way Thin ( part 2 )

par Dr. Nance Macleod Phd NMD DNM

Be willing to laugh with and at yourself This is not a step of humiliation or self-defamation because those things are definitely not fun: it is a strategy of being […]

The College Transition

par 0 Backup WordPress

As you enter your first year of college, you are bound to encounter personal anxiety over the new place, new home, and new friends-don’t worry, you are not alone. Every […]

Laugh your way THIN ( part 1 )

par Erica Cooper

If you follow the steps below you will laugh more frequently. Laughter is an excellent form of aerobic exercise: a hearty, belly laugh produces the same physical response as thirty […]