Articles tagged with...
September 30th, 2014; By Amanda Desouza
Trouver un travail est une des expériences les plus frustrantes que rencontrent les élèves du secondaire et les étudiants. Nous remplissons des tonnes de demandes et passons des tas d’entrevues sans pour autant qu’on nous […]
July 23rd, 2013; By
Finding an employer is the first and often most difficult step in an apprenticeship. If the employer you’re interested in approaching doesn’t employ apprentices, check out our list of resources […]
May 25th, 2013; By Carly Wignes
It’s never too early or too late to put together a resume that you can pair with a strong cover letter to make sure you land the perfect summer job. […]
April 25th, 2013; By Carly Wignes
Pretend, for a moment, that you have never actually met yourself. You are an owner of a prosperous dog-sitting company that has a reputation for serving customers with the highest […]
September 2nd, 2012; By Sheena Osman
You never know who you’re going to run into. You may run into a potential employer at a job fair, a networking event or even while already working. I remember […]
January 31st, 2012; By 0 Backup WordPress
Out of school and looking for the right job? Well, Jobs People Do (JPD) is excited to announce the winners of our Top 8 Employers for Youth Awards! Through a […]