
Career Profile: Farmers and Ranchers

by Susan Huebert

If you look at your next meal, you might see meat, fruit, vegetables, or other kinds of food that comes from farms or ranches. The work that farmers and ranchers […]

Career Profile: Surveyors

by Susan Huebert

Any street with a lot of buildings, especially houses, is likely to have many fences marking the edge of each property. Before people can build those fences, they need to […]

Build a Great Trades Career in 10 Years or Less: Making the Most of the Trades Employment Gap

by Meghan Brown

The future of the trades in Canada is caught between two seemingly opposing forces.  On the one hand, future-forward industries that rely on the trades are expected to see huge […]

Career Profile: Fishers and related fishing workers

by Susan Huebert

When you and your family want a change from meats like beef or chicken, you might decide to eat fish. Have you ever thought of who catches the fish? Your […]

Career Profile: Geographic Information Specialists

by Susan Huebert

If you go on a trip with your parents or grandparents, you might see them pull out a paper map to look at when then need help with directions. Some […]

Begin Your Apprenticeship Journey with Help from Support Youth Ontario

by Meghan Brown

The trades are a vital part of the Canadian workforce, but over the last few decades there has been a lack of new young people entering the trades. With the […]