«Campus Life» column

Family Pressure

November 25th, 2015; By Susan Huebert

Everyone deals with pressure at some point in life, whether it comes from work, school, friends or family. Sometimes, the pressure to get good grades, decide on a career or […]

Bogged Down: How to Handle Exams in University

November 25th, 2015; By May Chau

As most people are back to school and midterm season is rolling up if not upon us already, students are getting bogged down by exams. But how exactly can students […]

Kick Your Fears of Public Speaking!

November 25th, 2015; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

Pull aside any of your friends or classmates and ask them what they think people fear the most in general, and you will probably get typical responses like: dental visits, […]

What to Be Prepared For When Living With Roommates

November 25th, 2015; By Meghan Brown

So, you’re living with a roommate – or two, or more! Whether you’re in school or working, sharing a house or apartment with other people can be one of the […]

If I Knew Then…

November 25th, 2015; By Arthur W. Buerk

Advice on careers, finance, and life from Harvard Business School’s Class of 1963 Each month, JobsPeopleDo will be featuring a special quote from a graduate of the Harvard Business School […]

How to Form a Study Group in College

October 29th, 2015; By Jingwei Chen

The sheer amount of material you are expected to learn in college and university courses can be overwhelming. It’s easy to fall behind, leaving you scrambling to cram several lectures […]

Tips on Studying for Multiple Choice Exams

October 29th, 2015; By Jingwei Chen

In many college and university classes, instructors will use multiple-choice or Scantron exams because they are much quicker and easier to grade. Can you imagine marking short-answer and essay exams […]