April 12th, 2015; By NEADS
Students with permanent disabilities who are having difficulty paying back their student loans are eligible for the Repayment Assistance Plan for Borrowers with Permanent Disabilities (RAP-PD). RAP-PD makes debt repayment […]

April 12th, 2015; By Transition Resource Guide
Each post-secondary school will have a range of services to support students with disabilities and the wider student population. These services provide an excellent source of support for students (and […]

April 12th, 2015; By Transition Resource Guide
Educational institutions have a legal obligation to provide reasonable accommodations that promote equity for people who have disabilities. To adhere to their legal obligation, provincial/territorial governments provide publicly funded colleges […]

April 11th, 2015; By NEADS
If you’re a student with a disability looking at your post-secondary options, we’ve provided a handy link to the NEADS website where you can access information about campus disability services […]

March 31st, 2015; By NEADS
One of the best ways students can get a sense of what to expect when beginning a post-secondary program is to talk with people who have first-hand experience in such […]

March 31st, 2015; By National Center for Learning Disabilities
Time management always makes me think of having to manage time to work, get things done, tackling my to-do list. Boring! And having an ADHD wired brain, if things are […]

March 20th, 2015; By NEADS
“You’re hired for your strengths not for your deficits or challenges. Your focus should be on what you can do and on articulating that to the potential employer” – Julie Ouellette, […]