Articles tagged with...
March 30th, 2014; By Kathleen Gerry
Gossip is something that is very prevalent in high school, generally due to all of the changes that people are going through. With any luck, gossiping will diminish as you […]
March 29th, 2014; By Susan Huebert
Imagine being a delicate butterfly one day and an elegant swan the next day, all in front of an audience. How is that possible? For ballet dancers, playing a lot […]
March 29th, 2014; By Cheryl Marie
“A human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated.” – Horrace Mann It is important to remember messages such as these when you start to feel […]
February 27th, 2014; By Phillip Holland
Not only can we learn from history, but history makes us who we are! There are people who think history is boring – and sometimes it is. For some people, […]
February 27th, 2014; By Susan Huebert
Listening to music can be fun, but learning to play an instrument can be even better. Have you been taking music lessons? Some people can learn to play an instrument […]
February 27th, 2014; By Jamie Hadland
A lot of people spend time trying to fit in. They don’t want to stand out or be considered different, weird, awkward or strange. Having the same clothes, interests and […]
February 22nd, 2014; By Kathleen Gerry
Being your own cheerleader is probably the most important thing you can do as you face new and repeated challenges. If you are entering secondary school for the first time, […]