
The Road to Self-Acceptance

by Teodora Pasca

How’s your self-esteem doing? If you’re like me, you tend to see the best in others—and the absolute worst in yourself. Self-acceptance can be a difficult concept to wrap your […]

Using Kids Help Phone

by Neetu Duhra

Everyone has those days where they may be feeling a little down or are dealing with something scary or sad. Sometimes, on days like those, you just need someone to […]

It’s OK to Be a Guy and Love Dancing!

by Sheena Osman

The dance industry is not only for females. Over recent years, male dancers have been making a name for themselves and some have even become household names. Dancer/Choreographer turned singer […]

Cultural Pressures

by Kathleen Gerry

From birth, North Americans are subjected to a lot of advertisements and messages that teach our cultural values and tell us what our dreams should be. Whether you are female […]

Don’t Forget to Have Fun!

by Kathleen Gerry

Starting off in high school can be scary, especially if your list of things to do and your goals are weighing down on you. As important as it is to […]

Embrace Your Weirdness

by Jamie Hadland

A lot of people spend time trying to fit in. They don’t want to stand out or be considered different, weird, awkward or strange. Having the same clothes, interests and […]