Financial Aid

par Erin Kelly

Scholarships for Aboriginal Students Across Canada

par Jasmin Bollman

Bursaries and Scholarships The Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Canada is dedicated to helping Aboriginals reach the highest standard of excellence in finance and management. AFOA’s initiatives in the development […]

La création d’un budget de travail – 5 conseils à retenir

par Rochelle C. Pangilinan

Être un étudiant du collège ou de l’universitaire est une expérience d'apprentissage de part et à travers. Non seulement vous apprenez les compétences nécessaires pour prospérer au sein de votre future carrière, mais vous apprenez […]

Sports Scholarships: What You Need to Know

par Jamie Hadland

Sports scholarships aren’t easy to come by. Most student athletes who get a scholarship don’t get a “full ride”. There are other scholarships and bursaries available, but the value and […]

Scholarships for Women and Girls

par Susan Huebert

In the past, Canadian girls rarely went far in their education. If they finished high school, that was often all that was expected of them. Now, however, women go to […]

Scholarships for Aboriginal Students

par Métis Nation of Ontario

Bursaries and Scholarships The Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Canada is dedicated to helping Aboriginals reach the highest standard of excellence in finance and management. AFOA’s initiatives in the development […]