Student Life

Optimizing Your Home Workspace for Productivity and Health

by Tiffany Chang

What’s great about having a home workspace is that you have the control to make it as ideal as it can be for you. When it’s ideal, it can not […]

3 Students Have Suggestions Adaptive Technology for Visually Impaired Central Ontario Leadership Seminars Promo Video Checking University applications Do Your Labs on Time Don't Delay Post Secondary Focus on Jobs When Choosing Courses Get Involved Importance of Schooling Know Whats Going On Practical Knowledge in College Rachelle Neuroscience Taking a Year Off to Train for the Circus Time Off Exchange Program Use Your TAs What I would tell my younger self

Career Profile: Vocational Education Teachers – Post-Secondary

by Susan Huebert

After high school, many people go to university or community colleges to learn to become teachers, doctors, librarians, or computer experts. Other people choose to learn a trade such as […]

Career Profile: Earth Drillers, Except Oil and Gas

by Susan Huebert

Many people, whether children or adults, enjoy digging in the earth to see what they can find. For some people, digging holes into the ground can be a career. Earth […]

Combining Work and Study: Is It Sustainable?

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By: Avreet Jagdev At a certain point in their educational career, often in high school or post-secondary, many students find themselves facing a tough decision: is it possible for them […]

Social injustices happening in Canada and worldwide, and what you can do about it

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By Avreet Jagdev The World Day of Social Justice takes place annually on February 20th. It is a day observed internationally, recognizing the importance of social justice – which includes […]

Indigenous Communities and Climate Change

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By Maryam Sheikh It is no secret that climate change is increasingly having wide-reaching, damaging effects on wildlife, natural resources, and communities. While there are many efforts to mitigate the […]