As young children, making friends is as easy as breathing. But coming into adulthood, we can’t just sit down beside another adult and play with blocks. Finding friendships and maintaining […]
Working from home for students and professionals became the norm when the world shut down in 2020. Of course, this involved people having to pivot accordingly via utilizing online tools. […]
By Avreet Jagdev Algonquin College launched their “Free the Tampon” campaign a couple years ago. In a video they published to YouTube, they shared that the average person spends eighteen […]
A school year usually holds many possibilities for students. Of course, these could be either negative or positive. Regardless, students can make the most out of the year through certain […]
Canadians stereotypically live in snow all year. While not year round, 65 per cent of Canada experiences snowfall for more than half a year. Canadians often live through strong winters. […]
By Avreet Jagdev Over the years, it has become quite common for many work environments to enforce dress codes for their employees. Some workplaces simply ask that employees dress “business […]