Published on February, 2014

School vs. Life

February 18th, 2014; By Sharifa Campbell-Hogg

When you  make the move to junior high and high school, everyone seems to think that there is no way to balance both having a social life and excelling in […]

Les femmes et les métiers spécialisés

February 18th, 2014; By Kimberly Moreau

Tu es une fille qui sait ce qu’elle veut. Retrousser vos manches et réussir dans une carrière exigeante, enrichissante et payante qui combine un côté pratique et vos intérêts les […]

Women in Skilled Trades

February 18th, 2014; By Kimberly Moreau

You’re a girl that knows what she wants. Rolling up your sleeves for a demanding, rewarding, and well-paying career that combines both your hands-on and creative interests; that’s the future […]

Would You Benefit from a Tutor?

February 15th, 2014; By Valentina Natcheva

Many students will experience difficulties with academic subjects at some point during their academic career, but all universities provide some type of resources to help during those times. Professors are […]

Are You Supposed to Pick Just One Career When You Grow Up?

February 12th, 2014; By Kathleen Gerry

As you enter the world of responsibility, you will be facing many challenges and questions that will have you wondering what exactly it is that you are supposed to do […]